Autumn possibilities

Glorious Autumn.

But what to wear? It’s chilly in the morning for the first walk with Jesse the Lurcher. It gets hot to midday, then as the sun descends, the chill comes back.

I’ve been thinking, as is my wont, about scarves and what they can do for us, especially in “these times”.

We all have a wardrobe that reflects who we are and what we are about. I wonder if there was a “Through the Wardrobe” instead of “Through the Keyhole”, could you guess which belonged to who? I bet you could. For myself, I’ve got the seven pairs of the same style shoe in different colours! - Red or Dead, “Jade” style. They are rather like the Clarks daisy sandals that I wasn’t allowed as a child, so there’s an insight into my rebellious nature, all be it, a good 60 years later!


So, hanging in our wardrobes are lots of different outfits made from various textiles, patterns, colours,  some for specific seasons and occasions, some for everyday. On it goes, and if you’re like me, you can still stand there wondering what to wear or thinking you haven’t anything that will “do”.

But, you’ll always have that one special scarf. The one that will go with so many different outfits. The one that lifts your spirits. Or one you just have to wear that day, and build your outfit around. The one that people will comment on and say how nice you look, and be impressed by the effort you appear to have made to look perfect! It’s so easy to wear the scarf around you and transform your look. It’s instant! It’s luxury! It’s comfort and we all need this!


So here’s an image to illustrate just what I mean. This isn’t my special scarf because I have so many! I’m lucky because I keep all the scarves that have little accidents happen to them. It’s serendipity playing me a favour, but it’s also taught me that every scarf has its purpose! Anyway, this scarf is a dream - it features so many colours that it can go with just about everything I own. And it was so much fun doing this exercise to show you. I could have done about 50 different outfits!

Next time you’re stuck with what to wear. Try the scarf trick - just swirl it around. You’ll have some fun and I bet you’ll find it works.

And don’t miss out on another scarf that takes your fancy. It’s calling to you for a purpose, just like mine come to me!

Shelley Faye Lazar